This is a painfully self-indulgent exercise. I'd like to say I'm doing it to help others. I am happy that a by-product of my self-indulgence is it seems to bring solace to some who are also wrestling with grief. Mainly, I have struggled to talk about what I'm going through, gone through a few well meaning shrinks, leaned on friends. But I kept getting in the way. So, I started trying to work it out here. It's helped.
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« A Furious Love | Main | Anniversary Redux »

January 29, 2017



I can only imagine your pain.
You clearly loved her; dearly.
I wish you the best.
Your life was enriched by her love; go forth and enrich others'.

Kris Wrede

Oh dear was one of your shorter posts, and likely the most profound. I am crying (really sobbing hysterically) so there may be some typos. I feel for you, and I know that I cannot know exactly how you feel, but I ache for you all the same. Your writing is such a great truth and you are so eloquent, it makes me open up places in my heart that have been closed for a long time. I love the last post...go out and enrich others. Jill would have wanted are too much of a treasure not to share it with the world.

love you..cousin kris

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